Fast Weight Loss by Drinking Water
Well, many studies show that drinking water helps reduce weight. In fact, on average, close to 80% of people aiming to lose weight are advised to include water into their diet to have fast and accurate results. Just doing regular morning and evening workouts without implementing the intake of water just slows down the process of weight loss. There are a lot of benefits that come with adding water to your diet, some of which are not only associated with just weight loss.
A good example is the healing effect water has on the skin. It also helps soothe digestion problems. Also, water helps flush out toxins and maintain a healthy complexion. These are just but a few benefits of water. There are numerous ways water can help in your dieting. Today we shall focus on how having water in your diet is going to help you cut down on some kilos.
There are a number of people who have had a hard time knowing where is it that they should start from when wanting to lose weight. In some case, others just want a motivating factor. Well, am here to assure you that just simply starting from that “one glass” after every meal should do you the wonders you are searching for.
I managed to come up with a number of ways that water affects your diet and how it directly relates to your body. Also, there are a few notes you could take from this study about what amount of water does what to your body.
I bet that after this article, you might just want to consider trading in that can of Pepsi after supper for a glass of water instead. Without any more chit and chatter, let’s just dive in, shall we?
Water suppresses appetite.
I am sure that if you have done a lot of dieting research then chances are that you have probably come across this point quite a number of times in lots of blogs and videos. Well, this is very much a fact rather than fiction.
See, thirst and hunger are very much on the same spectrums here. At times you might feel thirsty while in real sense you are hungry. Whereas sometimes you might also feel hungry while in real sense you are just thirsty.
When water is taken in it gives the body and most so the stomach a feeling of satisfaction, so when you take the water you no longer feel hungry anymore. Thus means no need to take your chances with a beef burger or pizza at lunch. Instead, you could just have a bottle of water. This helps as water does not help increase your weight at all. There are no cholesterols nor fats that come with water intake so no need to worry about what goes into your body.
Water helps in removing waste off of the body.
Water plays a key role in the removal of wastes such as faecal matter and urine out of the body. These wastes already bare a large amount of water that is already contributed to by our bodies.
Water plays a role in helping kidneys to filter toxins and waste while also retaining the essential nutrients and electrolytes. This means that when you do not give the body enough water then the kidneys hold fast to the fluid.
Lack of water also gives lumpy stools and constipation. Thus water helps keep the waste moving by relatively softening stools that are hard.
Problems such as indigestion and diarrhoea can also be overcome by introducing water into the diet of the patient.
Now, this helps the body lose weight because when there are excess amounts of waste in the body, one may feel bloated which in turn adds a few inches to a person’s waist and if not checked, some pounds.
Liquid calorie intake reduction.
Believe it or not, drinks and beverages such as soda, alcohol, sports drinks, juice and sweetened tea or coffee help accumulate liquid calories.
Just by replacing some of these high-calorie drinks that you have grown accustomed to with water could help you go a long way in your weight loss routine.
In fact, in 2012, a study showed that replacing at least two high-caloric beverages with water for a period set 6 months increased the weight loss by 2.5% in women suffering obesity.
In 2015, another study was conducted, this time on females, to find out how much weight can be lost if these women took 250ml of water every day while attending a 24-week weight loss program. The results came out positive as the women lost close to 13.6% more weight than women in the same program who were put to drink the same level of diet beverages after every lunch they had.
So it really just wouldn’t hurt you so much to put down the can of soda and trade it in for something more nutritional such as water. Remember, water might not be as sweet as soda or juice but it has its own natural sweetness that just makes it stand out.
Lipolysis/ Fat metabolism.
The metabolism of stored fat and carbohydrates is solely dependant on water. The process of metabolizing fats starts from hydrolysis which involves water molecules.
Drinking enough water is also important for burning off fat from drinks and food as well as stored fat which for me, sounds like a very correct way of minding what you eat.