The Lost Queen
She smiled when she knew
It was going to be you
She bowed her head and blushed shy
The sacred thread as you did tie
She bore the pain of labour
To make you a proud father
She served you like a maid
Didn’t bother as her beauty did fade
Her days passed away into years in your care
A Father’s Princess has now no dare
To wage battles against drunken neglect
To raise her shield against the arrows of abusive words and battered regret
Her only motive is to guard her marriage fort
From reaching the large halls of a district court
Her children she wears as a crown
Trying to safeguard her kingdom of life
From an enemy who now sits on her throne as a King
Inspired from a brutal incident in my surroundings of a poor lady being dragged away from her son by her drunken husband in front of a helpless crowd in a market .