Benefits of Yoga for Relieving Stress
Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means union. The union refers to the unity of the mind and soul with the divine. Many people practice yoga for stress relief.
Main Components
The three primary and general components of yoga include- poses, breathing and meditation.
· Poses- There are a variety of postures designed in the yoga asanas, which increases body flexibility and its strength.
· Breathing- It is an integral part of yoga, to focus and have control over the breathing. This increases the concentration power and helps in remaining focused and comes to the mind too.
· Meditation- Also referred to as relaxation sometimes, this helps to be calm and aware. It also helps in improving the presence of mind in different situations.
Practising yoga has multiple benefits- physical, mental, and spiritual. Over a while, it helps to deal with various ailments like diabetes, blood sugar, arthritis, and many more. Yoga helps with stress too. It helps in controlling the mind and body. It so provides inner peace and calmness.
Mental Benefits
There are numerous exercises which are helpful to deal with the physical problem, but yoga and stress are something like two sides of a coin. There are various yoga exercises for stress which helps in providing peace to the mind through the practice.
Yoga for stress
There are various yoga exercises for stress relief. Yoga helps with stress and is the most effective way to deal with mental disturbances. Many people suffer insomnia due to the workload and its stress. Practising stress free yoga helps hugely. Yoga exercises for stress also help to deal with symptoms like depression and anxiety.
Yoga Asanas for stress
Yoga exercises for stress include various asanas which help to calm the mind. These asanas are very simple and anybody, of any age group, can practice them. Mentioned below are the five asanas of yoga for stress and mental health.
· Sukhasana (easy pose)
· Balasana (child pose)
· Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend)
· Ananda balasana
· Uttanasana (Standing forward bend)
Benefits of the Asanas
It is essential to practice the postures of yoga very carefully. In the above-mentioned stress free yoga, if you practice properly for a long time, cross various problems related to stress and improves the mental health conditions.
« Sukhasana- This posture helps to get relief from anxiety and reduces exhaustion.
« Balasana- It improves our nervous system. It also helps to relax our mind and release stress.
« Paschimottanasana- This asana has multiple benefits. Apart from reducing the stress level, this yoga asana helps to deal with improper digestion, PMS, fatigues and many more problems.
« Ananda Balasana- It is useful to treat stress and fatigues. It also calms your mind and body.
« Uttanasana- This asana helps to deal with the mild symptoms of depression. It helps to release out the stress and calms the brain.
How yoga reduces stress?
One can get mental peace with the practice of yoga and stress of workload, of sleepless nights, of any other reason is easily cured with asanas.
– Yoga helps to calm mind.
– Yoga relaxes the body.
– Yoga improves the presence of mind.
– Practising yoga stretches the muscles and releases tension, therefore, increasing flexibility.
– It helps in focusing on the breath.
– It helps to improve emotional health.
How to begin?
It is good to start with proper breathing first, focusing on breathing helps to release stress.
– Sit and relax your shoulders first.
– Then extend the tailbone and contract the stomach. This helps in straightening and lengthening of the back.
– Inhale and contract your stomach more for 5 seconds.
– Exhale and come back to the original position.
Repeating this four to five times before the Asanas warms up the body and helps it to prepare to practice the other yoga exercises.
When to avoid?
Yoga is generally suitable for all age groups. However, it becomes necessary to consult a specialist before starting. Yoga needs avoidance in the following cases:
– It is not advisable to practice yoga if one has a herniated disc.
– If you have the risk of clotting of blood, then you need to avoid some of the asanas.
– People with balancing issues must take proper precautions.
– People with high fluctuation in blood pressures must avoid the practice too.
– Although yoga is safe, yet the women during pregnancy must take precautions and practice the simple asanas only.
Practising yoga has many health benefits, but doing it, wrongly has severe side effects. Doing meditation in the wrong method may lead you to anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, and negative thinking.
Other ways to remove stress
Exercising is the best and the most vital part to relieve stress. However, other things, apart from yoga that helps to become stress free include-
– Make a habit of living a routine life.
– Relax and calm your mind at regular intervals.
– Take proper care of yourself and be aware.
– Avoid any distraction that seems stressful.
It becomes necessary to mention in the end that practicing yoga under trained guidance and specialist is immensely beneficial. Even the doctors today believe that it is beneficial to practice yoga for stress relief and also to deal with other bodily problems. Practicing yoga gradually makes your body fit and mind stable.