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A Fan Story

Danger @pexels
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A Fan Story

Sarita looked at her phone. She kept checking her messages very often while waiting for message from one person. There was none. She was disappointed. Sarita had started using social media and got in touch with a Bollywood singer. She had never expected any reply from the celebrity world. When once she commented on his photo that a smile is missing. He liked the comment. That made Sarita happy. She started following him and over a period of one year became a great fan of him. She sent him some beautiful gifts. He called her and asked her about her health as well as studies. She loved his serene voice and affection. It was a conversation for one minute.

            Sarita treasured his pictures, songs, videos and all news available on the internet. She had always thought he is single. One day she got to know that he was coming for a show at Chandigarh. Sarita could not control herself. Chandigarh was her birth place and she could go there easily. She was there this Sunday and the concert was on Saturday. Sarita asked her mom if she could attend. Her mother asked “Do you really wish to attend?” Sarita replied “Yes ma. I am a huge fan of him”. Her mother agreed and sent the driver to get two tickets of concert from the Chandigarh club. Sarita was happy to see the tickets.

            That night they left for Delhi. Now she had to plan to ask someone to attend the concert with her. She asked her cousin sister who agreed. They were supposed to leave by car on Saturday morning, attend the concert and leave by Sunday morning. On Saturday morning when she was about to leave to pick up her cousin sister, her cousin said she is not well and would not be able to join. Sarita didn’t know what to do, she did not want to miss the concert. She asked the driver if he would be able to take her and bring her back safely. He said “yes”. Sarita reached the venue and searched for the singer. She couldn’t find him anywhere at all. She called him on face book messenger but there was no response at all.

            She took some pictures of the area and left for the guest house which was arranged by one of her friend’s father. She rested there for a while, had breakfast, did some sightseeing and returned to the venue by 4 pm. She asked for the celebrity. The members on the dais said that he was with children. Sarita was shocked. Then she saw the singer with two children. She met him, took a picture and gave him some gift. But she was very hurt. She never knew that he was married and had two children. He asked her “Have you come alone?”. She replied “Yes, I have come alone my sister ditched me”. He replied “Hope you will enjoy here”. The concert began at 8 pm and she attended till midnight. Then she left for the guest house by 12.30 am.

            The next day she left a message for the celebrity that she was leaving for Delhi. He replied back saying “Hope you had a good time”. She said “Yes indeed”. It was a unique experience mixed with pain and pleasure. She didn’t know the status of a fan and slept off while returning.

What We Post Online Is Forever, What you post is tied to you forever.

How well you know an online person is a Stranger… Stranger is always a Danger

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