Give us a Way – Teacher Call
In the present scenario, the situation of private lecturers and teachers is deplorable. This poem is a voice to state the inner conflict which we are facing because of covid and hopefully some noble souls will be touched to help us rise above this calamity. Please consider this as social call for the betterment of teachers in private fields.
The hand that teaches
The voice that preaches
For help and support now beseeches
Too qualified to do labour
Too dignified to borrow from a neighbour
Some with covered faces sell fruits
Others bend and wipe polished boots
Postgraduate s stand on the roads
Running behind all vacancies boards
Who can see thier plight
Who can understand their fight
Private teacher s we are the most dedicated clan
Who trained many a truant boy into a successful man
We have always worked for less than we really deserved
Knowledge and learning for over years we have preserved
So many engineers, doctors and officers we have given a future and taught From ABC
Now in oblivion we lay not knowing what or who to be
A thankless profession many have said
Is the empowerment of the Head
Now for a morsel of food we are forced to tread
Unknown paths of poverty and compromise ahead
God all we pray
Give us a way
To earn our daily bread
And lead our life ahead.