5 tips for a perfect home workout
Thanks to the lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic, you have to take care of your fitness at home. But there are certain challenges to have a perfect home workout. However, if you take certain precautions, you can aim for a perfect home workout without much of a hassle.
So, how can you have a perfect home workout?
1) Run/walk/jog early morning in terrace or building compound
Most of your building inmates would prefer a walk, jog or run in the terrace or building compound. There will a slightly more crowd now thanks to the lockdown. But if you can wake up a bit early than others and finish your run, walk or job early than them, it would be beneficial for you as not only you can do it at your own pace, but even maintain social distancing as well.

2) Keep all furniture in the corner
If you wish to have a perfect home workout, try to make space in the living room by putting all furniture to the corners. This would give you ample space in the middle of the living room to do your stretches, squats, push-ups and pull-ups without hurting yourself. Also, if any furniture has sharp edges or corners, put a cushion around it to avoid any injuries.
3) Check out workout videos
If you are new to home workout, try a few online videos. In today’s coronavirus crisis, fitness outlets are streaming videos, webinars on home workout for free. Make the best of this opportunity to learn a few quick home exercises to keep yourself fit. There are also yoga and meditation videos for you to learn and practice.
4) Ask family members to give you ‘me’ time
Home workout can be a distraction if you have a child at home or you are living in a joint family. In such a situation, ask your family members to give you 30 minutes to 1 hour alone where you can do exercises alone and in peace. If that is not possible, then get the whole family in the workout. The family that works out together stays happier.
5) Try new forms of workout
You don’t need to follow the traditional methods of workout. You don’t really need dumbbells to exercise your muscles or lift heavy weights for a whole-body exercise. You can be creative with your workout. Running up and down the stairs is a good form of workout for the whole body. Lifting water cans for muscle strengthening is also an option. Lifting your toddler child is as good as weightlifting.
This lockdown, put the excuses away and start a new fitness routine.