Hey, Kit… Kit (Kitty)!
“What are you searching on the sand? Ravi said.
Well, Kit… Kit was actually Ravi’s pet kitten. He was too small. His face looks like a squirrel, but he was a kitten in reality. Kitty has black and white stripes all over his little body. He was a very jovial and happy-go-lucky kitten.
Actually, Kit… Kit was searching for his school copy! After a few minutes, he started crying.
“If I can’t get my copy, then how can I write from A to Z on it? My teacher gave me this school home work.
All animals have the full animal rights to go school and study just like what we humans do at schools and colleges.
Finally, Kit… Kit… found his copy. His friend Peter rat had actually hidden it to trouble Kit Kit. Both Peter and Kit… Kit… were mischievous. They didn’t mind pulling pranks at each other.
The Animal First High School – A Dream Project
The first meet between Kit… Kit.. and Ravi is quite interesting.
Once Kit…Kit was crying somewhere near Ravi’s store room. When Ravi asked the reason then Kit..Kit.. confided in.
“I may be the only kitten who wants to study, go school, and become an erudite animal when I grow up. But I seriously wonder whether humans will ever let me become so or not!”
Saying this, Kit… Kit hugged Ravi.
One day Kit…Kit went to a nearby garden, and soon entered into a house. Silently, he went inside a room full of books. Taking out a poetry book, he started reading out English poems.
Suddenly, a boy came inside the room, and he lost his cool when he saw Kitty was reading his book.
“He had beaten me so much that I dared not to go to anywhere alone without you. I never knew humans can be so bad that they don’t want a little creature to study further.” Kitty Said.
Ravi vowed that he will do everything possible to open an Animal First High School.
“No one can stop you from studying further. I will ensure that you can study at school as long as you wish to,” said Ravi to the Kitty.
Kit… Kit Was Super Excited
Now, kitty’s excitement was getting bigger and bigger with each passing day. He certainly wanted to feel the joy of going to school and meeting new kittens and puppy at his new class.
He was super excited to meet little squirrel, Tom Puppy, and his little soon-to-be other friends.
Soon, Ravi owned a building at a posh locality in Hyderabad to launch first-ever high school for animals. There he managed the entire infrastructure of this school. He soon became a staunch animal-study-rights activist.
He had a simple ideology, “If humans can study then why not animals if they wish to.”?
Gradually, within a couple of years, The Animal First High School became super successful. Animals started taking admission to their respective classes. Both Monty and his Kitty were super happy with what they achieved so far.
Can Humans Tolerate Animals’ Development?
After five years—
Ravi was now a master’s degree holder in Zoology. Kitty was a graduate too.
But some selfish people started feeling insecure about their own careers. They felt if mute creatures can study and become erudite then what will humans do? Animals’ mind and brain might start working quicker than humans, they are far less corrupt and soon animals will start ruling the world.
No… We won’t let that happen.
Soon, a group of selfish and corrupt individuals started making chaos across the streets of Hyderabad saying… today a cat goes to school, now imagine what will happen if tiger goes to office tomorrow. Do we stay alive?
The school found itself in a major controversy and legal crisis.
Both Ravi and Kitty went into depression mode.
A Demolished Dream 2.0 – Thanks to Humans
Soon, the local authorities asked that the entire The Animal First High School to shut down. The police sealed the entire building. No more animals could enter the building.
What started as a noble mission to educate animals found itself in an unprecedented existential crisis.

“You know kitty, at least I’m proud that we did the unimaginable. May be not tomorrow – but someday The Animal First High School must fulfill all its objects in the legal and lawful manner – all its students (animals) will study up to class 10, and take their board exams too.” – Dejected Ravi Said.
“May be not in my lifetime, may be not on this earth – but somewhere in this very universe in the near future!” – Kitty exclaimed.
Saying this Kitty and Ravi clasped each other with teary eyes.