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A Talk about Reading

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is reading an hobby?
How many of you feel it as a main business or only business?
Why do people read?
Questions may be targeted more and more so let us see some answers that satisfies to become a reader…

Reading is to build up knowledge.

Some take this line seriously and get bored of reading. Some text this more even more sincerely and doesn’t leave a pamphlet too without reading.


Extremities are dangerous.

In your lifetime if you just read a book you can taste the nectar of reading and that nectar doesn’t let you stop with that one book. You can enjoy a different phase of life that is not as normal as we live. As men or women of this society (whomsoever) can live all the characters like king, demon, God, cartoon, supernatural powers etc. as you wish through the books.

You are not an author to get fixed with a genre as the fan readers wish that particular author to give books in that genre. If you keep changing the genre you experience a lot and by the way you learn a lot. It is great ride of enjoyment.

If you are a beginner in the journey I suggest you to start with the small book like pictural stories. It does also have genre like history, cartoon, mythology, religious etc. Amar chitra Katha one of the best publisher in this field. This comic doesn’t have any age if you are 50, don’t be shy to start your reading career with a comic. If you think you are mature enough to start with the novel; you are great and you can go ahead.

Teenagers mostly prefer romantic fiction. My suggestion is to start with an Indian author so that you don’t quit reading. It’s not that foreign author’s English is too tough to understand. In Indian author’s books you can correlate the story with your life. if you haven’t met such circumstances you may eagerly wait for it to see it in real. The experiences are also romantic and enjoyable. At the same time don’t stop with romantic genre alone as other books too has romance as part of the story. For example, Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy series which is a mythology fiction and as the romantic part of Lord Shiva and Lady Sati.


Mythology books are given in the form of fiction by many authors in a way you can enjoy the journey of the book. You don’t feel it as a religious stuff. Your grabbing knowledge about something that we all feel unreal. The characterization is so easy to picturize. You become one among the characters in that place of imaginary world.

Language which is the most important feature that can be improved by reading. If you want to learn a language don’t start reading with the new language. Strat reading in your mother tongue or the language you are comfortable so that you love reading first then you can learn a language. By doing like this you don’t get bored. For example you know Tamil but you want to improve English. Complete reading a book in Tamil and grab the same book in English and start trading. As you know the story plot you can understand it and focus on the language.

Books are good friends.

You can experience this line after you become a reader. Do read a book as a paperback rather than ebooks. As you can feel the book in your hand as a friend. I don’t say don’t use eBooks as they are the booster in this pandemic lockdown when we aren’t able to get the paperback.

One more experience of reading is that you can become a author one day. All authors are readers at the beginning and counting.

I hope after reading this article everyone grabs a book and start living the life of the character you like…

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