Author: ATISH HOME CHOWDHURY – chowdhuryatish at
He came to us like a storm,
We didn’t know where was he from!
I gave him a bowl full of milk,
And, our friendship happily clicked.
Day by day,
Our bonding grew stronger,
Soon, he became my family member!
Be it chicken or fish,
Guangxziou mostly prefer a non-veg dish!
Sweetly, and how cutely he did chew,
Why he said Guangxziou… so often, we didn’t know.
He was my littlest pal,
He played with ball or
By Jumping across the walls.
This kitten was loved by all.
Every morning,
He came to me,
Saying sweet m-e-o-w,
He put his little head on my elbow…
And, went to sleep…
Lullaby – his favorite one — I did always sing!
This little kitten often sat on my lap,
On his head, I put a little cap,
He wore it on his head,
Those memories will never fade!
Then one fine day,
It was a wintry dawn…
The Entire society considered that Cat was wrong!
Why? He went to their houses too,
Which they strongly disliked…
& wanted the cat to go!
I fought for Guanxziou saying he was innocent,
The society wanted me to compensate…
A huge huge money…
Suddenly, Guanxziou started running,
He went away too far… too soon,
I kept waiting for him forever….
Day, night and noon!
Can I get him back ever?…