Minor Victory for Mallya in London Court & London court puts a question mark of responsibility on then PM Manmohan Singh n Finance minister Chidambram for their letter written ordering the loan to Vijay mallya :
Hearing the Mallya case on Friday, Justice Emma Arbaughnott stated in clear terms that, “Indian banks had grossly violated their own rules and regulations in lending to Mallya’s airline company Kingfisher.
This can be seen ‘with closed eyes’ she stated. The above remarks were with reference to the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister Chidambaram ordering the loan to Mallya, despite the bank’s objection.On Friday, Judge Emma Arbhannot of the Westminster Magistrate Court of London has openly exposed the malpractices and corruption committed by Indian banks in giving loans to Vijay Mallya. “Does any bank officer have the right to reject the order given by the Prime Minister and Finance Minister of the country by writing a letter.”
Therefore, Judge Emma Arbhannot of the Westminster Magistrate Court of London has made it very clear on Friday that why the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P Chidambaram were not responsible for that robbery more than Vijay Mallya who had robbed thousands of crores of banks from India.
Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Wadra & Sonia Gandhi should be ashamed after the comment of that London court and the country should answer why the corrupt pair of Congress Prime Minister, Finance Minister writing a letter recommending loan to Vijay Mallya, blacklisted by banks.
The astonishing fact is that the news of the London court judge’s statement is missing like a horn from a donkey’s head, from news channels arguing for hours on any street leader’s statement as disputed.